Welcome to the Anstey Nomads History Fansite

The entire table history for Anstey Nomads is available on this site, from 1946 to present day, this is the original and currently only verified source for the entire Anstey Nomads history

This site also hosts Player appearances stats ranging from 2008 to Present day

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The content on this website has been meticulously sourced and verified from trusted references. While we present this information freely, the effort involved in archiving, streamlining, and ensuring historical accuracy has been substantial. If any content from this site is used elsewhere, we kindly request proper citation with a link back to our website.

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This website is in dedication to all the loyal servants of the Anstey Nomads football club, especially Norman Selby Taylor, who gave everything he could from the moment he stepped in back in 2006 to his passing in January of 2022. It is this website owners strong belief that the club would still be struggling in district leagues if it wasn't for the backroom personal and hospitality upon stepping out of the district and into step 6 football